Silverfish Press
Avalon, Catalina Island, CA
 "Angling and War: The Collision of Big-Game Fishing and WWII " by Mike Rivkin
This book explores the fascinating encounter between big-game fishing and the events of World War II. Starting in the 1930s, it uncovers the rise of this thrilling sport and its connection to the war, showcasing how wartime technologies and adventures fueled a surge in angling after the conflict. Packed with rare and unseen photos, documents, and illustrations from around the world, this book offers an engaging glimpse into a unique historical period.​​​​​​​
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Book jacket and Interior page design
cover of "Angling & War" book
jacket cover of "Angling & War" book
hard cover of "Angling & War" book
book plate of "Angling & War" book
chapter opener for "Angling & War" book
page spread of "Angling & War" book
page spread of "Angling & War" book

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